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How to properly use diapers to prevent baby from diaper rash
Posted: 04/17/2019 04:59:25  Hits: 54
Use diapers at night and use air-permeable and hygroscopic cotton diapers during the day.

Nowadays, many young parents have abandoned the habit of using cotton diapers and like to use diapers for babies, which is convenient and worry-free. However, Xu Wen, the deputy director and director of the Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, reminded that the improper use of diapers can induce diaper rash in newborns and infants. How to use diapers for your baby reasonably, away from diaper rash? Novice parents may wish to learn a lesson.

"Nappy rash is a common disease in newborns and babies. The main reason is that the diaper is not replaced properly or the diaper is not cleaned." Xu Wen said that after the baby has been exposed to the dirty diaper for a long time, the skin appears partially red and swollen, sometimes accompanied by Erythema or papules, if the treatment is not timely, there may even be erosive exudate or epidermal exfoliation causing local skin infections, causing discomfort and pain, affecting the baby's health. She analyzed that the development of diaper rash is closely related to local mixed infection, and the combination of bacteria and mold is the main cause of skin lesions. Diaper rash, which is called "red hip" by Chinese medicine, is a heat certificate and evidence. If the baby's diet is out of season, hurting the spleen and stomach, the spleen losing health, the damp heat is contained, and the skin is delicate, which is more susceptible to rheumatism. However, when the baby has a diaper rash, there is no need for Mom and Dad to panic. Do the following daily to help the baby get rid of the trouble as soon as possible:

1. Do not use diapers or paper diapers, try to expose the buttocks, or wear soft pants to keep the parts dry.

2. After each baby's urine, gently wipe the buttocks with a warm and damp towel, then pour on the talcum powder or talcum powder to keep it hygienic and dry to avoid exacerbating local symptoms.

3. Skin lesions can be rubbed with zinc oxide ointment. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect in treating diaper rash of children. According to the characteristics of children who are difficult to take traditional Chinese medicine, the method of external washing of traditional Chinese medicine can be used to strengthen the local heat-clearing and detoxifying, with cooling and relieving itching effect, and promote the healing of local skin lesions.

4. Physiotherapy: with infrared irradiation, the hips are exposed to infrared light, 2 times a day, and few minutes per time. When using infrared treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to keep the distance at about 35cm. During the irradiation, special care should be taken to avoid burns.

5. The diet of the lactating mother can directly affect the overall condition of the child. When baby suffering from diaper rash, the nursing mother should keep a light diet, avoid high-protein diet, eat less seafood, duck, goose and spicy food, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Xu Wen suggested that for babies from January to June, paper diapers can be considered to use at night. If someone looks after them during the day, try to use cotton diapers with strong ventilation and moisture absorption. But if the baby has a pee, it is necessary to change the diaper in time. When changing diapers, first wipe the baby's buttocks with a warm and damp towel, put on the talcum powder and then put on a diaper to ensure the local dryness.

When the baby grows for more than 7 months, Mom and Dad should gradually train him to regularly urinate and defecate, and quit the diaper as soon as possible.

"In clinical practice, we often find that some 2 to 3 years old children are wearing diapers. This is a very bad habit." Xu Wen explained that whether it is cotton diapers or diapers are not conducive to the baby's butt skin dry and breathable. When the ambient temperature is increased, the diaper is wrapped for a long time; moisture and hot air are not released in time, which may cause local temperature to rise, or local tissue to be pressed, which is not conducive to blood circulation. In addition, infants and young children are stimulated by urine manure, which reduces local skin resistance and is prone to convulsions and diaper rash.

"When choosing a diaper, in addition to paying attention to its appearance and softness, we should pay more attention to quality." Xu Wen reminded parents to pay attention to whether the product's implementation standards, production date, expiration date, etc. are indicated on the package. Do not use products that do not have a manufacturer's name, address, or implementation standards.

How to properly use diapers to prevent baby from diaper rash
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